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One Year of Doing What I Loveā€”At Work and BeyondĀ
Feb 12, 2025
All Categories #calm #clarity #coach #coaching #energy #focus #growth #highperformance #intentionalliving #leadership #life #meditation #mindfulness #mindset #pause #personaldevelopment #rest #success 2025 blog career carveouttime challenges change choice choose coach coaching corporatelife crossroads dailyhabits employee well-being energy engagement entrepeneurship focus and productivity growth habits happiness happinessatwork health healthy work habits highperformance hobby honor intentional habits intentionalliving journaling joy leadership leadership tips learn life lifequestions lifestrategies meaning meaningfulyear meditation mental clarity mindful mindfulness mindfulness at work mindset mindsetshifts motivation newyear noexcuses overwhelm ownership passion performance personalgrowth priority productivity productivity tips purposeful work reducing stress reflect rest scheduling selfcare sleep smallchanges stress management stressreduction wellbeing wellbeingatwork wellness work-life balance workday efficiency worklifebalance workout workplace stress yearend yoga